
Darnay And Sydney Carton Essay

Satisfactory Essays

There are a wide variety of main characters in Tale of Two Cities. The books main focuses is on Charles Darnay, a man who left to go to England because of his hatred for his aristocratic family. When he reached England, he meets Lucie, a beautiful and kind girl with many suitors. One of which, is Sydney Carton, a man who looks strikingly similar to Darnay and knew that he did not deserve Lucies love but would die to make her happy. He also met Lucies father, Doctor Monet, who was imprisoned for almost sharing dark secrets about an aristocrat, and learned to be a shoemaker in prison. After his imprisonment, he was found in a wine shop in France run by two revolutionaries Monsieur Defarge and Madame Defarge, by a banker named Mr. Lorry,

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