
Date Rape Essay

Decent Essays

He starts to unzip her dress but she refuses. He holds her hands tightly and whispers in her ear making her know that he wants it and he’s not going to stop until he gets it. She’s known him for 1 year but at this moment it feels like 1 hr. She doesn’t want to hurt him because she loves him. She feels obligated to give him what he desires; ignoring that promise she made to herself years before. He pulls down her panties and this time she cannot resist. He’s too strong, he’s too big and he won’t stop for nothing.

Date Rape is a forced sexual intercourse, which includes a victim, and often times the person the victim is familiar with. The fact that the victim knows the attacker makes it difficult for the victim to identify the attacker …show more content…

Even though people think that the way some females present themselves is an issue, it still does not give the men a right to take advantage.
When on a date, females or males should never ignore their boyfriend or girlfriend when they touch or do anything intimate to make them feel uncomfortable. They should speak up right away and let the person know that they're not ready to be intimate and they need more time to feel comfortable around them.

Another situation is when a male tries to manipulate you into thinking that he feels like he's not good enough for you, and you'll never want to do anything with him because he's ugly. He is just trying to make you feel bad for him and for you to judge your own feelings. This is a warning sign and should be taken into great consideration. The female/male have to think to them selves " Is he/she trying to make me do something I do not want to do?" If you've been in a relationship with a person for at least one week and already they are trying to control you, try to get out fast, this is another warning sign.

If a person says to you " you're turning me on, come on we have to do something." According to Scott Lind quest a crime prevention specialist and the author of The Date Rape Prevention book, "no one turns anyone else on. We turn ourselves on. When someone sees anyone else and feels

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