
Day Is The Hero In The Dystopian Novel Legend

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The readers sit in the tiny room, in their seats obediently waiting for the teacher to come into the class and pick up the book with the shimmering golden title. Legend. She opens to Days chapter where they left off and the class falls silent. Day and Tess are friends, but like the state knows Days a wanted criminal. Days brother gets ill with a new version of the plague and he needs to find a cure. While breaking in the hospital, Day supposedly killed a young commander Metias and now, the commanders younger sister June is trying to kill him until they uncover the gruesome truth. Day is the hero in the dystopian novel Legend by Marie Lu. All teenagers should read this novel. Day is the hero because he makes sacrifices for his family, and …show more content…

I am proving that Day is the hero and that he helps others. In this scene Day is giving gifts to his family. "...hold up a used pair of goggles... 'For John. An early birthday gift.'"(Lu pg. 6) This proves that Day is the hero because he is helping his family by giving them supplies. He is risking his life for the sake of his family even though only his older brother John knows he exists. In this scene Day and John are captured and Day is fulfilling his wish. “'When you stand out there,' John continues in a hoarse voice, 'keep your chin up, all right? Don't let them get to you.' 'I won't.' 'Make them work for it. Punch someone if you have to.' John gives me a sad, crooked smile. 'You're a scary kid. So scare them. Okay? All the way until the end.' For the first time in a long time, I feel like a little brother. I have to swallow hard to keep my eyes dry. 'Okay,' I whisper." (Lu pg. 256) This proves that Day is the hero because he is doing what his family is telling him in his last dying moments. Overall Day shows that he helps people in need. Day is the hero because he saves people who need help. In this scene Day is helping June who is trying to kill him. …show more content…

I look to see a boy holding out his hand to me... 'Come on,' he urges. I take his hand." (Lu pg. 105) This proves that Day is the hero because he is helping someone he doesn't know yet just so they won't die. In this scene Day is being brave and standing up to Thomas. “Ms. Iparis told me about what you did to her on the streets. How dare you force yourself onto someone of her rank." Ah.Here is what's really bothering him-I guess he found out about the kiss. I can't help grinning, even though my face screams in pain. "Awww. Is that what's got you down? I've seen the way you look at her.You want her bad, yeah? Is that something you're also trying to earn your way up to, trot? Hate to burst your bubble, but I didn't force her into anything." A deep scarlet rage flashes across his face. "She's looking forward to your execution,Mr. Wing. I can guarantee you that."

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