
Dbq Code Of Hammurabi

Satisfactory Essays

Eye for an eye tooth for a tooth. This is presented in hammurabi's code. It shows that he may be just or unjust. In this essay I will see if he is fair or not. Some of the laws will be talked about in this presentation. from Hammurabi’s code (and Doc D) it seems that he takes robberies variety series and will put people to death for it. This is shown in law 21: If a man has broken through the wall a [to rob] a house, they shall put them to death and pierce him, or hang him in the hole in the wall he has made. If a man has been robbed and the man is not found the government will replace the things stolen in law 23. The laws are not just on robberies they are also on fields and crops. Hammurabi's code seems that a married couple always a

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