
Dbq Essay On Communism Vs Capitalism

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CC Essay


Jacob Timp

Mrs. Armstrong

Introduction to College Writing

21 February 2018

Capitalism v Communism Economic Systems

Two of the world’s most popular and diverse economic systems are Communism and Capitalism. Capitalism, or a free enterprise economy, is an economic system constructed by the freedoms of the marketplace. The capitalist economy has several promising advantages. The capitalist government subtly changes and adjusts to the current conditions with ease. A communist system can be defined as an economic system where many, if not all, factors of production are controlled and owned by the government. …show more content…

However, everyone is not always guaranteed employment. The government may or may not offer support in search of employment. It is often dependent upon the occupation, employer, and career length of an individual. In a free enterprise economy, there is an unrealized freedom to choose. People are granted the ability to select an occupation based upon their education, experience, and personal preference. People choose whether to pursue entrepreneurship or to be employed by a third party. They can choose to change positions and employers whenever they would like to which is often not true of a communist system. An additional significant advantage of a capitalist system is private ownership and control of property. The government also provides services and support to its entire population. In a capitalist economy, the government often syncs with the desires of its citizens.

In a communist economic system, decisions are made by the overall community. In practice, attempts to implement a communist system have developed state-driven economies benefiting only single-party political elitists not accountable to their citizens. Capital assets are owned collectively by the state rather than private parties. Labor rates and the prices of goods are established by the government rather than supply and

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