
Dbq Europeans

Decent Essays

How did europeans establish such a strong command in the world economy and affairs?Well, by establishing new sea lanes and trade routes to all parts of the world. Trade routes that shaped the world into what it is today. The exploration was not for conquest but for matter of survival. This matter of survival turned into a opportunity for world dominance which the Europeans took full advantage of. I will be arguing that by establishing trade routes all over the world, European were able to challenge and dominate the social, political, and most important the economical structures of the world. The motivations that encouraged exploration of sea were the cultivation of cash crops, establish new trade routes to Asian markets, expand the influence of Christianity, and to avoid and compete against Muslim trade and intermediaries. To avoid the Muslim intermediaries, the Europeans demand for direct access to Asia and Africa was high priority. This …show more content…

European countries had lacked many resources like food, clothing, and technology. The products that were coming to them from Asia were attracting more and more Europeans. Therefore, to have more profit from trade, the Europeans wanted to avoid the Muslim intermediaries and have direct access to the trading destinations such as India, China, and Africa. When the countries from Europe sent explorers to find new lands, they had sent them fully equipped with fleet of ships, gold, and food. Whenever these explorers had discovered there intended destination, they would take over the harbor and create a trade post. For example, Portugal in the mid sixteenth century had 50 trading posts in Africa and Asia. By creating trading post, this forced merchants to buy “safe conduct passes” and they were presented at the trading post. If these rules were broken, the punishment was death or the accounted victims hands would be cut

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