
Dbq Spartan Values

Satisfactory Essays

Sadistic Citizens or Saviors of Society: Exploring Whether the Spartans’ Values Make Them an Appropriate High School Mascot
Spartans are not an appropriate mascot for Mountain View High School because they do not represent the American values of democracy and value for human life, as they were governed by a tyranny and murdered countless people. Although some may argue that the Greeks developed a democratic government as subjects of the Persian king and changed western civilization forever, the Spartans could not have predicted this legacy when they were warring with the mighty Persian army. Spartans did not demonstrate the value of democracy in the way their city-state was ruled. According to Cyrus Kar, “Sparta was not even democratic. It was an oligarchy at best, and …show more content…

Being a city-state of warriors, they killed weak babies to keep their population strong, as well as killing Greek slaves for sport. In fact, Ctesias of Cnidus reiterates how “The Persian army was massacred while only two or three Spartans were killed. Then Xerxes ordered another attack with 20,000 men who were again defeated” (Doc B). This is further evidence that the Spartans were ruthless murderers because they annihilated tens of thousands of Persian soldiers. They could have realized they had the upper hand in battle and negotiated for peace instead of steadily slaying their opponents. High school students should be taught to honor people’s lives, and not to take extreme actions, such as killing. This evidence is reliable because Ctesias used information from the official Persian archives to write his history of the war. It was written soon after the war, so the records were are considered highly accurate. Furthermore, Ctesias was Greek, so the fact that he is diminishing the values of his own people conveys to us that they were indeed inhuman

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