
Dbq Stamp Act

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a) The Stamp Act was issued in 1765 by Parliament, and it forced colonists to pay a tax on all printed documents such as newspapers, pamphlets, college diplomas, land titles, and playing cards. This tariff was created in order to cover part of the cost of stationing the British troops in America which proved to be very costly. b) In response to this new levy, 9 colonial delegates were sent to meet at the Stamp Act Congress of 1765 held in New York City. At this meeting, they protested their loss of American “rights and liberties” caused by the issuing of the Stamp Act as well as others like it. The Stamp Act was challenged by the ideas of the constitution and eventually repealed in 1766. c) Another effect of the implementation of the Stamp Act was the creation of the Sons of Liberty. The Sons of Liberty was an organization determined to fight for the rights of the colonists and protect them against heavy taxation by the British. In reaction to the Stamp Act, the Sons of Liberty burned a statue of Andrew Oliver, a tax collector, as well as destroyed his newly built home. Other than working to rid of the Stamp Act, the Stamp Act Congress proved to be successful in organizing a boycott of British goods in order to further prove their …show more content…

This outraged lower class farmers as they relied on the sale and production of whiskey as a medium of trade as well as a form of income. Shays Rebellion erupted from high state taxes that were needed to pay off war debts accumulated from the Revolutionary War, as well as lack of paper money. These excessive taxes made it impossible for farmers, such a Daniel Shay, to pay for their homes and they were forced to resort back to to sustenance farming in order to have enough to survive. In some cases, farmers had to sell of their possessions in order to pay these levies until they had nothing left, or they had to face

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