
Ddt : A Highly Effective Insecticide Kills Mosquito, Louse And Other Crop Pests Essay

Decent Essays

DDT is a highly effective insecticide kills mosquito, louse and other crop pests. Thus, it was widely used in the United States, Western Europe and some Asian countries to promote the prosperity of agriculture and to control epidemic typhus, malaria and other insect-borne infectious diseases during the World War II. DDT reached its peak demand in 1950s and 1980s, when more than 40,000 tons DDT were used worldwide each year. Although some scientists had concern about the extensive use of the pesticide, public kept ignoring DDT’s harm until 1962, when Rachel Carson published Silent Spring – a book that pointed out occurrence of toxicological problems and emphasized insecticides, including DDT, were chief culprits of the problems (Carson, 1962). Silent Spring aroused a hot debate controverting the common view at that time that these chemicals were harmless. This contestation jeopardized some people – including the companies that produce DDT, scientist who recommended the chemicals and some other economists – and under the pressure from public, President Kennedy asked his scientific advisors for a report and Congress held hearings on federal regulation of pesticides (Dunlap, 1981). In 1972, EPA banned DDT from civilian using. Scandinavian Peninsula, U.S. and Canada were the first countries responded and started prohibit DDT; sooner, the ban against DDT extended to most of the Western European countries. Although the ultimate goal is to eventually

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