
Dead or Alive: the Criminally Insane Essay

Decent Essays

Severely mentally ill individuals may commit horrific crimes. Many believe that these crimes deserve the death penalty; however, others believe that in certain circumstances the mentally ill should be exempt from capital punishment and believe that the punishment is too extreme for those who are not fully aware of committing their crimes. Many mentally ill individuals have been executed and some are currently on death row. All the while, this controversial issue is still being debated on. Mental illness is defined as “Any of various conditions characterized by impairment of an individual’s normal cognitive, emotional, or behavioral functioning, and caused by social, psychological, biochemical, genetic, or other factors, such as infection …show more content…

Society may benefit by being separated from dangerous mentally ill persons, but we do not have to incarcerate these persons to feel safe. If it is proven that the accused party is in fact mentally ill, then they should be provided with immediate psychiatric help in custody of a mental health facility and not prison. A perfect example of misuse of the death penalty is the case of Turner v. State of Mississippi . Turner was charged with two counts of capital murder and was given the death penalty. Turner has a family history of severe mental illness. His father committed suicide and both his grandmother and great grandmother spent time in the state mental health institution. Turner tried to commit suicide when he was eighteen years old, which has resulted in the disfiguration of his face, and just two weeks before he committed the murders he was released from a mental health facility. Turner has no criminal history prior to these murders. The court was presented with sufficient evidence that Turner was suffering from mental illness and should not be given the death penalty, yet he was proven guilty for two counts of capital murder in the deaths of Eddie Brooks and Everett Curry. Turner tried to appeal the death penalty in the Supreme Court, but the ruling was sustained because the court was not given enough evidence to prove Turner’s mental health issues. Turner’s last meal was a rare Porterhouse steak, side

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