
Deaf People Myth

Decent Essays

The first myth that I chose would be that Deaf people cannot contribute to society. Some pieces of literature that we have read or watched would be the civil war story, Chapter three The camera as Printing Press, the ABC Story, as well as “Hero” in ASL. The Civil war story dispels this myth because it shows the conservation of history; it takes us back in time to the civil war. This story is considered a piece of history and a Deaf person provided it, this little piece of history will forever be passed on. I feel that chapter three was a very important chapter throughout this unit. This chapter not only showed the history and challenges the Deaf community had to surpass, this chapter showed how they got through the barriers and used the printing …show more content…

With this, the Deaf community shows how they can contribute fun and creative ways throughout every community. The song hero by Enrique Iglesias performed by Sean Berdy in ASL is a great contribution to society. This performance shows how well and how talented Deaf people are not only within music but also with acting and performances. This video really did get to me, I could feel the emotion, at one point I even forgot Sean Berdy was Deaf and using ASL, I felt like I was just watching the performance in amassment. Deaf People have clearly contributed to society, not only throughout history, but also through education, and …show more content…

The third myth I decided to choose was that Deaf people can’t have kids. In class, we discussed Alexander Graham bell and the major negative impact he had throughout the Deaf community. We learned in our class discussions that Graham bell was a strongly against the Deaf community and wanted to cure them. We also learned in class that many Deaf students got sterilized in school without any notice. We watched the PBS Film Through Deaf eyes and saw how all Deaf people in the film functioned throughout society like everyone else, especially on having and taking care of their children. Another film we watched was a YouTube video called Visual Alerts, in this video, it showed, how Deaf people knew what was going on with the use of flashing lights or vibrations. In the video it showed how a crying baby got the mother the attention of the Deaf mother, the mother would carry a small box that would vibrate every time the baby would

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