
Nyle Dimarco's Deafness

Decent Essays

Nyle Dimarco, what an inspirational video and individual, not only because of his deafness, but he chased his dream and succeeded! He went on the Tyra Banks’ modeling show, America’s Next Top Model, and won! He mentioned in the video that he had a strategy to win before going on the show and then a friend told him everyone already loves you-just be you. I think this applies to everyone in the Deaf community, as he mentioned in the video. If Deaf people have confidence and are themselves, they can go places and do things that they have never done before. For example-get jobs and roles that are currently held by hearing people but that were made for a deaf person. This video shows somewhat a day in the life of Nyle Dimarco-using video telephone …show more content…

I enjoyed this video along with the others because he stressed being you and not letting deafness provide any type of hindrance in your life and dreams. At the beginning of the video, Dimarco and his parents share a story from his childhood about a family gathering. Dimarco and other family members go riding their bikes and somehow he gets separated and lost. He expressed frustration because he could not hear or talk and was lost. All he could do was sit and wait on his family to find him. That must have been so maddening to his mother also, expressing that he was an adventurous child and not knowing where he could be. Nyle Dimarco told us about challenges he faced, but I picked up on him mentioning more positive aspects, like his fantastic family support system and technology designed for deaf people by deaf people. I consider that a great quality-to have a condition that could potentially have a negative impact on one’s life and simply accept that this is my life and I choose not to let my deafness define my dreams and …show more content…

I watched him when he was on America’s Next Top Model and rooted for him all the way. Then, to see him go on to succeed and be on Dancing With the Stars was absolutely amazing, inspiring and tear jerking every week. I do not know anyone directly that is deaf, however I do know a distant family member of a friend I have that are deaf. He was born completely deaf and has used ASL (American Sign Language) all of his life. All of my friend’s family is fluent in sign to some extent, even if just the basics. I have always been fascinated by sign language and was exposed to it at a young age, through a deaf ministry at church and my previously mentioned friend who taught me a few signs and some of the alphabet. I have seen my friend’s family show great patience with this family member. He is a distant relative, so they do not see him a lot and are not fluent in ASL simply because they are not around him very often. However, when everyone does meet up for family gatherings or holidays-they are all very patient and kind towards him. They make it a point to accommodate him in conversations and activities. I think this is because they have a family member first hand who is deaf and know about Deaf culture and how important it is to include them. This family member’s immediate family is fluent in ASL so I would say that he copes well with daily life. He attended Gallaudet University and is now a professor at a local college teaching Deaf

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