
Dear Silent Partners Of Chocoholics Anonymous

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Dear silent partners of Chocoholics Anonymous,
The purpose of this memo is to discuss the opposing views of shareholders and stakeholders, evaluating our decision based on multiple ethical principles, focusing on Chocoholics Anonymous profitability and ethical integrity.
Chocoholics Anonymous has a decline of sales and decrease of profits during the economic downturn, and so do the other companies in town; and those companies fired employees to save money which caused a rapidly growing unemployment rate. In order to control the increasing of unemployment rate, the local economic development group cautioned local firms, in attempts to lower layoffs, and the internal managers of Chocoholics Anonymous now has a conflict about the decision to keep or fire a full-time manager. By discussing and analyzing the different views of shareholders (silent partners) and stakeholders (employees), in addition to acknowledging government recommendations, it will be clear for Chocoholics Anonymous to make an applicable and ethical decision.
When encountering the decision of Chocoholics Anonymous, silent partners voiced their greatest concern, which was to guarantee and maximize profits; however, based on current corporate culture, making decisions using the shareholder’s view will be harmful to the company. The silent partners, who are the shareholders in the company, believe they are most socially responsible when maximizing profits, for this shares the maximum wealth from their company.

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