
Death From Different Views Of Poetry

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Death from Different Views in Poetry
Rikkie Oree Johnson Way
ENG125: Introduction to Literature
Instructor: Lisa Walsh
October 26, 2014

The act of dying has been a fact of life since we have become into existence. Death by human nature is something most individuals do not look for with anticipation, others fear, and some even try to prolonged the life and ignore the unavoidable looming death that awaits us all. Death is not a controllable factor for anyone it comes as it will and it takes in the end all of us. The difference in how Thomas 's poem on death Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night and Because I could not stop for Death, by Emily Dickenson are striking, and merit further examination. Both works are about death and the experience of dying however, but the feel and vigor within the works are strikingly different, by looking at the literary devices , usage of metaphor, symbolism and the overall style within each work as well as the themes within each work the differences will be clear. What drew me to this topic is the fact that I have experienced my share of death in my lifetime, at a young age I lost my father then in a few months time I was to lose my best friend, then another friend and lastly my paternal grandmother, all within three months time they died in separate and sometimes sudden and unexpected ways. I was beyond comfort by the time I lost my second friend to unexpected circumstances and I turned to poetry as a

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