
Death In Hamlet Research Paper

Decent Essays

In the novel Hamlet by William Shakespeare death tends to be a natural recurring theme in the novel as a whole. Death is considered to be one of the main themes known to be in the novel Hamlet. Death occurs as soon as you flip the first page in the novel, to try to intrigue you into the novel.

In the novel Hamlet, King Hamlet appears in the hall spotted by the guards, king Hamlet enters the room appearing as a ghost (Hamlet Act 1). Hamlet needs to avenge from his father’s murder; this is a hard task for him because of the fact that his own uncle is the murder of his father; Hamlets mother Gertrude had married his uncle, King Hamlets brother. Hamlet eventually gets his revenge that he had wanted in the novel, but not until before everyone was just about to die. The main question asked throughout Hamlet is “To be or not to be”. He compares death to little sleep, which he thinks would be so …show more content…

He is contemplating life- to live or not to live. Hamlet says contemplates why do we continue to live when we could just kill ourselves and end the pain “to die, to sleep, no more, and by a sleep to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to” (litcrit). Hamlet thinks that the reason that we are afraid is because we think too much and as a result we will end up failing, “his overwhelming misery caused by recent events, driving him to contemplate killing himself” (litcrit). Hamlet goes through hard times accepting the fact that his father was killed, “his father recently died and his mother and remarried his uncle, Hamlet believes, in inconsiderate haste. Extremely depressed, Hamlet first expresses his eagerness to die in Act 1” (litcrit). Hamlet knows that he has to

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