
Death Penalty In Australia Essay

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Firstly, rape is not just a violent crime but it also a violation against humanity and does not have a right to be tolerated in our great nation. A person who sexually molests another human being and potentially scar them mentally for life shouldn’t be allowed to walk free one day. The victims shouldn’t have to cope knowing that their rapist will roam the streets again and potentially rape other people too. According to a research done by the Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice in 2006, 88.3% of all sex offenders will repeat the same crime they committed before they were convicted. This is where the death penalty comes in. Why should we as a nation, let these sick and disgraceful people back onto our streets? By bringing back the death penalty, we can roam the streets freely at night without the thought of being raped in our minds. Rape shouldn’t be in our society and if any one does commit this heinous crime, they must get the death penalty as it is the only final solution to the problem.
Secondly, in America they believe that if you take a life; then …show more content…

However, why should we as Australians allow violent criminals to stay on our streets to possibly harm others? The death penalty does not promote the murder is ok. The death penalty should be in our society to teach the younger generation that if you decide that you are going to commit such a terrible crime, e.g. rape and murder; then this is what is at the road for you. Research done by, the fear of death is ranked number 12 out of 100 phobias. We can use the fear of death to our advantage, by scaring the younger generation out of murdering another human being; we can finally stop nearly all murders in Australia. The death penalty is not there to teach people that killing is right, it’s there to bring justice for what violent criminals have

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