
Death Penalty In The United States

Decent Essays

Each day, heinous crimes, such as murder and treason, are committed across America. Over many years, there has been controversy regarding the death penalty. The death penalty is not legal in every state. Some states only give life in prison if crimes like murder have been committed. The other states who have not abolished this punishment sentence someone to the death penalty if they have committed crimes like murder or treason. In fact, the death penalty should be legalized in all 50 states in the United States.
First of all, the death penalty lessens the chance of people committing crimes. According to Tom Streissguth, author of The Death Penalty: Debating Capital Punishment, "The more issues of crime and the death penalty went through changes …show more content…

If a serial killer is caught and has no chance of being free, it saves lives of the people who could have been caught in their path. The death penalty will take many killers off the streets. "In summary, the recent studies using panel data techniques have confirmed what we learned decades ago: Capital punishment does, in fact, save lives. Each additional execution appears to deter between three and 18 murders," claimed David B. Muhlhausen in his testimony. Even if capital punishment only deters three murders, that is three lives that have been saved. The panel data research proves that the death penalty is not a harsh punishment because it saves the innocent lives of many citizens. It is true that, not every state agrees with the death penalty. There are 18 states that have a ban against the death penalty ( Nevertheless, the website also states, "Throughout the 1990s, our society increased the number of executions, and the number of murders plummeted. Since 2001, there has been a decline in executions and an increase in murders." When executions are used more often, the rate of murders goes down. This also proves that the states that have the death penalty are more safe than the states that have a ban against

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