
Death Penalty Of Colorado Springs

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Death Penalty June 19, 1975, began a killing spree in Colorado Springs when a soldier from Ft.Carson and his friend who worked on base shot a cook in the head. He only had fifty cents. The next week they stabbed a Fort Carson soldier with a bayonet. On July 1, 1975, they killed Kelsey Grammer’s sister. After raping her, they stabbed her throat and left her out in a trailer park to die. That night they went to Fort Carson and called a cab from a club. That pick up would be Dad’s last. Knowing he was in trouble, Dad called dispatch to ask the distance and the fare to Butts Field, a strange request for a seasoned cabbie on such a small military base. All the fares were thirty five cents except the one to their airport. One of the guys grabbed my dad and slashed his throat from ear to ear, leaving him for dead on the side of the road. They drove the cab through the housing area, across one of its inhabitants front lawns. He had driven a taxi in New York and had his money taken before, but never harmed. Mom laughed hysterically when she told me that even with witnesses, their attorney argued it was too dark to adequately identify them.The local police investigated Karen’s murder, but my dad’s killing had taken place on a military base, putting the federal agents in charge. The murderers were given the death sentence for Karen and the other murders, so the feds decided not to investigate my dad’s case.
Why was my Dad’s murder case thrown in with the others? I always felt they

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