
The Incident Of Michael Brown

Decent Essays

On August 9th, 2014, officer Darren Wilson shot 18 year old Michael Brown 6 times, the question of whether it was justified still lies in mystery. According to the Department of Justice report of the incident, Michael was physically aggressive to Darren Wilson and WIlson’s only means of self-preservation at the moment was to grab his gun and react. (DOJ. 6) However, differing eyewitness reports provide a different portrait of what occurred. Some say Michael held his arms in the air and said “Don’t Shoot” as Wilson fired and continued to shoot Michael, others report that Michael ran away and was gunned down, but ultimately, these eyewitness testimonies couldn’t stand up in court. (Schuppe) The backlash of his death was outstanding with Brown’s family at the forefront of the Black Lives Matter political movement. The entire town of Ferguson was grasped by rioting and protesting. Brown’s family reacted in tear met rage, a mother lost her son and the community suffered the loss of a promising individual. It was a cloudy day, a mild 78 degrees and Lezley McSpadden was taking a drag of her cigarette outside of the local grocery store where she was employed. She was midway through her shift when a friend of hers called and said that someone had been shot by Canfield Green Apartments. Maybe it’s only a mother’s instinct to recoil in fear, but in that moment Lezley could think only of her son Michael. Michael had recently graduated three months before and she wasn’t sure of his

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