We finally made it to Death Valley. It took us over 5 hours to get here. Dad would only stop once for food and gas. I didn’t think it was going to take that long to drive approximately 240 miles. The Furnace Creek Resort is pretty busy today. I’m glad we decided to stay at the Furnace Creek Ranch Hotel. Outside our room is a huge grass area where we can throw the football around. We all decided to turn in early tonight. Tomorrow we are going to see what Death Valley has to offer.
The session that I attended was Dolores Huerta speech, which was very interesting. Dolores Huerta was born on April 10, 1930, she is a labor leader and civil rights activist who, along with Cesar Chavez, co-founded the national Farmworkers association, which later became the United Farm Workers (UFW). Huerta has received numerous awards for her community service and advocacy for workers, immigrants, and women’s rights. She is truly a leader, working tirelessly to help the poor and women and children. She talks about war, genocide, Mass incarceration, and poverty. During her participation in non-violent protest she was arrested 22 times trying to make changes in society. Her main question was what can we do as people to solve things in the
Hello everyone and welcome to my new history channel, People of History. Today we will be discussing a very important inventor, who was known for the creation of the gas mask and the traffic signal, Mr. Garrett Augustus Morgan.
My wife and I are planning a trip to Las Vegas the week of March 27th to look for homes. Since our last conversation, we have been casually searching for listings to gather a sense of the type of properties and areas we would like to live in. In addition, we researched schools within the areas where we would like to live. My wife and I have some questions as to what we should be doing now to prepare for a productive visit of viewing potential homes. Please see below...
During Thomas Paine speech, “The Crisis No. 1” colonists had to decide whether to live under the British rules or fight for their own freedom, what if the colonists thought about the idea about fighting back, but it was too late to make a decision and British has already taken over, Would America be different now? During this time period colonists were struggling throughout the Revolutionary War along with the Stamp Act, Tea Party, Lexington and concord until Thomas Paine released the Common Sense and the colonists left relieved. In “The Crisis No. 1” by Thomas Paine, he uses pathos to encourage parents and families to protect their young ones and hoped for them to fight in the war.
As many of you may know today is a day for rebellion, against the slums, the ghettos, the bloody heels of crying children and bad jobs, today we arise as a nation for freedom and equality to stand against segregation. Today we rebel against the aggressors, to make a stand, so that every man, of any race may stand, and coexist as equals. Almost one hundred years ago all of the African Americans made free by the emancipation proclamation. But yet today one hundred, One Hundred, years later we still have to use the colored bathroom, the colored bars, the colored water fountains, and sit on the back of the bus.
I am hispanic my name is Allibess Rose Dyer and i will tell you all about my wonderful quinceanera. I am 14 years old i will be turning 15 tomorrow and i am super happy about it. I have been waiting for two years now o urn 15 ever since i started wanting a horse. I new since i was 12 that my parents had been planning on getting me a horse. I will also be looking for he father daugher dance that most all quinceaneras have. this will cost a lot of money but. i know my family loves me and is willing to spend whatever amount i will take. My dad m mom m sep parens and all of here families will be ehere so will my cousins. Everyone will be here to watch me urn from girlhood to womanhood. A quincenera is a lavish par includes man guest and is reall
“For, the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break I got. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth…” This is what Lou Gehrig said in his final speech at Yankee Stadium on July 4, 1938. “When Lou gave that speech tears rolled down his cheek as he gave one of the most memorable speeches in baseball history” said Babe Ruth (Greenberger 82). After that day, Lou knew he would not live to see his fortieth birthday (82).
My orotund voice elevated around the room as I presented the final youth speech to the California State Board of Education. I remember the cheers of my fellow youth advocates as I walked out of the building with poised shoulders and my internal giddiness. Nevertheless, I knew that the time I spent at Californians for Justice was worth it.
Selma Our founders envisioned a country where the people would be free from a tyrannical government and set up a society where its citizens would be able to exercise each of his/her rights. As government suppresses the rights of its own citizen’s, to increase its power, individuals unite to form movements and organizations to end the government’s act of tyranny, and to restore their freedoms as originally intended. The events in Selma, Alabama in 1965, exemplify this phenomenon as Dr. Martin L. King Jr., along with thousands of other black Americans, protested in order to stop the government’s act of suppressing voter rights. The events of Selma, inspired the song, “Glory”, by John Legend and Common, hopes to raise awareness about the events
In order to deliver a successful speech, there are countless qualities that must be present to reach both the emotional and logical sense within a crowd. Through the use of rhetorical strategies and by remaining credible, a speaker or an author can connect with their audience; getting them involved with their writing. In May of 2011, a man by the name of Denzel Washington used multiple rhetorical strategies to deliver a graduation speech at the University of Pennsylvania. While revealing all of the difficult times that he had gone through while in college and discovering what career he wanted to pursue, he inspired millions of people, leaving a profound effect upon the world. Now, with millions of fans, Washington is a famous actor that has starred in numerous movies such as Courage Under Fire, Crimson Tide, and Malcolm X. Washington, along with the authors: Aristotle, Peter Elbow, and Donald Murray, and many others, have made a big difference in the world, simply by using rhetorical strategies.
Of course, I’m sure you have heard of “Ring around the Rosie”, but did you know it may be inspired by the cause of more than 20 million Europeans? This pandemic was called Yersinia Petsis, but more commonly called “Black Death” because of the dark patches and swellings on the skin of its host. This disaster came from trade with other countries, but once transmitted to America it spread by rodents and fleas. The Black Death may have been spread by seemingly harmless creatures, but it caused death in about three days.
"The question is not, 'If I stop to help these men in need, what will happen to me?' The question is, 'If I do not stop to help these men, what will happen to them?' That's the question." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Included these words in his "I've Been to the Mountaintop" speech made on April 3rd, 1968: the day before he was assassinated. This particular speech was made at the Mason Temple and it involved the Memphis Sanitation Strike. There is no correct or incorrect way to interpret the quote, but I feel the words can be related to compassion, racism, and morals. King himself most likely meant for this quote to raise awareness for the sanitation workers. He certainly never would have imagined the deep meanings of his words would still take precedence some 50 years later.
Well, the song I am talking about today, “Hotel California,” is also a song that has a
The next day we wanted to head out early so we could make it to Colorado and have time to see some sites and visit my aunt and uncle. After we said thanks for letting us stay with my Aunt Alks and Uncle Pinakin's house, we were on our way. I wasn't really looking forward to the drive ahead because I remember how long it was the first time I had to make the trip, and it gets uncomfortable. The only thing I like when we go to Colorado is that we lose an hour. This was probably the most boring trip on our journey because most of the land we traveled was in Nebraska and it was flat and plain. There was nothing really significant about this trip until we got to Colorado. Flat land changed into mountains and country turned into city. That part of it was really interesting because it was like we could see the invisible line separating Colorado and Nebraska. It took us a little while to find my aunt in Golden, Colorado because the directions were a little hard to follow. I guess no one wanted to see anything because almost as soon as we were
Many people only have the privilege of seeing their grandparents on birthdays and other holidays. Luckily for me, I see mine almost every week. My grandparents, specifically my mom's parents, have both played a large role in shaping me into the person I am today. My grandpa, or “Pa”, especially, has been more of a father to me than my own. He has held an essential role in my life, and is continually shaping me each day. My grandpa is a strong-willed and old fashioned man. He likes to do things his way. In addition, he always works hard and provides for his family. Throughout the course of my rather short life, my grandpa has taught me many lessons. Here are three stories that stick out to me the most. They taught me to be adventurous, to work hard, and to get back up after failure.