
Death of a Salesman

Decent Essays

Death of a Salesman There are some who would argue that it is precisely the ultra-capitalist mentality of individuals like Willy Loman that has propelled the American Economy to global dominance, but Arthur Miller’s classic work “Death of a Salesman” begs the question: at what cost? What does it do to a person, this desperate need to “be number one man?” Each of Willy’s sons draw a different lesson from his life and their assertions about how one should live offer a compelling choice for modern readers. A psychological need to be the best, a deep desire for being universally liked, and an irrational longing to impress strangers with wealth and status are heavy burdens to carry – especially when they are inherited from parents and …show more content…

Biff has begun to develop an alternative view of his father and the lifestyle he leads. Gradually he begins to feel that something is fundamentally wrong with this way of thinking and way of living. He wonders if it’s not more important in life to spend time doing things that you find personally fulfilling rather than using all your energies to chase else’s dream or trying to earn someone else’s approval. Biff was imbued with all the same traits as his younger brother, he felt perhaps subconsciously that being good looking and well liked would be enough to get him through life but has learned that is not true. Biff Loman eventually realizes what a sham his life, his brother’s life, and his father’s life is. He confronts finally confronts Willy after discovering Willy’s intention to kill himself and declares that “You’re practically full of it! We all are! And I’m through with it!” (1512) Willy Loman is furious and he refuses to see what a house of cards his whole life is. He can’t bear the fact that his life does not fit the preconceived notions he had about it. Biff angrily tell him “Pop! I’m a dime a dozen, and so are you!” Willy has for so long nurtured the belief that he and his sons are somehow special, and immune, to the pressures of the world that this is unacceptable. After Willy’s death, Biff sadly reflects on how “He never knew who he was” (1516) but Happy vows to continue on the same

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