
Deception In Othello Essay

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Have you ever been able to trick someone into thinking you’re on their side? What would you do if you had the ability to deceive anyone? People refer to me as the “King of Deceit”. My intentions were not motivated by jealousy rather they were motivated by a sense of betrayal. My quest for revenge began from the time Othello appointed a young inexperienced soldier his lieutenant. His name was Michael Cassio. A man who basically had no battle experience yet managed to become the second in command of the Venetian army. His honest and devoted behavior towards others are few of the reasons he is incapable of being lieutenant. A lieutenant who doesn’t know how to play to his strengths is no lieutenant. His decision to name Michael Cassio his lieutenant …show more content…

The humiliation, betrayal, the suffering, all caused by a single man. A man holding the title of general of the Venetian army. It was late at night when I finally decided to initiate my plan to manipulate Othello into demoting Cassio and thereafter bringing about the downfall of Othello but I first had to bring about a clash between Desdemona and her father. The street lamps casted their sulfurous glow on the wet asphalt as the stars twinkled like a sequin in a dark night. The streets were “silent as the grave” as no man appeared to be in sight.Night had fallen fast upon the land as the cold onshore breeze blew right through my clothes.It was time for the green eyed monster to unleash his wrath.Roderigo,a wealthy yet gullible Venetian gentlemen had come to meet with me regarding the money I had taken from him in exchange of me helping him win over Desdemona,Othello’s lover.My whole plan revolved around Desdemona since the only reason I was able to exploit Roderigo for his money is because I had promised him that I would help him win her over and the extent he was willing to go to win her over revealed his weakness and vulnerability. His naïve and trusting character made him an easy victim to deceive.

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