Thomas Jefferson, along with the second Continental Congress, used great care to ensure that both the words and the ideas professed in the Declaration of Independence were precise and symbolic. Upon examination of the list of grievances that King George III of England committed against the American colonies, appears the term “our constitution.” The reference to our constitution is not the singular written constitution that contemporary American’s associate with the word; it is much more complex. The Continental Congress’ reference to “our constitution” denotes an assemblage of principles, customs, laws, and precedents blending ideas from classical republicanism, European enlightenment, and protestant Christianity; made of written and understood ideals it reflected America’s understanding that government is …show more content…
This 1787 constitution has all necessary elements: an identity of people, a statement of unifying principles, a structure of government designed to realize said principles and a guarantee of basic rights through limitation placed on the government. Nevertheless, in 1776 though these elements are not codified in one document, they are echoed throughout the colonies in natural and common law. One place that identity of government is clarified the colonial charters. For example, the Mayflower compact notes “We whose names are under-written,” while the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut takes identify further stating, “do for our selves and our successors, and such as shall be adjoined to us at any time hereafter, enter into Combination and Confederation together” (CP, 184). These statements clarify the identity of who is entering into the social contract. A further look at the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut shows unifying principles, “to maintain and preserve the liberty and purity of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus
Cory Charlemont Mr. Farese September 26, 2016 LEQ Prior to the Declaration of Independence, Britain’s and its colonies relationship continued being strained by the colonist ideals of liberty and self- government. The Declaration of independence is a turning point because it confirmed the fact the colonist were now fighting for their freedom, it also established the basic principles like “all men are equal” and are endowed with the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Tensions formed due to strict laws which constrained the colonies economic policies. A few of the many law passed by parliament was the stamp act of 1765, which cause the colonist to be taxed for official and legal documents, the Sugar
Although the Declaration of Independence was a turning point in American history, it is bested by the era of Salutary Neglect. Long before the Declaration of Independence, Salutary Neglect caused a sense of unity and purpose along with the experience of new liberties, and a religious awakening.
It was crucial for the colonists to figure out a way to live and work together. This was their first time making decisions without being commanded by a king or Queen and it was important to formulate and then implement a plan of action. (Schmidt, 2017). The idea of a constitution was thus created for the betterment of those living in America and has served as a rallying cry, a defense mechanism, and a safeguard for all citizens within the United States. This irreplaceable document has survived throughout time not only on paper but also in the hearts of many Americans. The Constitution of the United States officially went into effect on “September 17,1787” (Schmidt,2017, pg.35). The greatness of this constitution is still seen today as it serves as a solid base, with room allowed for re-examination or change if needed. Every now and then an issue may arise and the laws set forth into the constitution are reexamined and an amendment may be set
Composed by Thomas Jefferson and the representatives in the general congress on the historic date of July 4th, 1776, the Declaration of Independence was an expeditious response to the many acts legalized by the British Parliament prohibiting the colonists’ freedom, and a dismissal of a partition to the King by the First Continental Congress. Not only did it oppose British acts of tyranny, but it was also an incentive for many other universal revolutions. Within Jefferson’s argumentative masterpiece, “The Declaration of Independence,” he both condemns the British for their repressive actions, and appeals to all developed countries, although predominantly to both the cruel
With America being a new country, the founding fathers created the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution in order to establish the goals for the young country. During the time period of the eighteenth and nineteenth century, there are many occurrences such as slavery that took place, which represented America following the sacred documents. Slavery was when white males bought black men and women, then made these human beings undergo terrible treatment and work all day and night. However, these slaves were not considered to be citizens during the time period. Also, major events such as the Whiskey Rebellion supported the roles of these important documents. The Whiskey Rebellion was when westerners rebelled due to the tax on whiskey,
The United States would lose its name and stand divided if the Constitution did not bring the thirteen colonies into one body. Within this governing body, fears arise from the difficulty of controlling power in a central government, while still trying to keep unity between the states. Understanding that the United States was formed based on the people’s irritation with the corruption of the control of power in England, the Constitution reassured the people that their freedoms were going to be kept, but it required their trust. The founders of the United States Constitution established a just government through encompassing equal representation, with the people as the foundation, and protecting the injustices that could arise with the misuse of power.
In comparing Thomas Jefferson’s Letter to the Danbury Baptists, The Declaration of Independence, and U.S. Constitution, it is evident that the basis of all three documents is the idea that all human beings possess God-given fundamental rights and that government is created to protect those rights. The Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776, is the first of the three documents penned. This is important because it defined the rights of liberty and equality of all American citizens as outlined in John Locke’s natural law thesis (Martin, page 113). In addition to providing an itemized account of the grievances colonist’s held against King George III of England, it served to justify the colonist’s quest for independence and separation from British rule. The Declaration of Independence conveyed to the crown that "all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, which among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." The Founders’ of the New World understood that their pursuit of liberties and autonomy specified in the Declaration of Independence could not come to fruition without instituting decrees. In 1787, the U.S. Constitution, was written to replace the Articles of Confederation with a better defined series of stringent laws that would legally uphold the freedoms and privileges established in the Declaration of Independence. The First Amendment of the Bill of Rights in
What other people had created a climate for revolution among the masses before 1776? (One might mention Patrick Henry. Samuel Adams, and Thomas Paine, author of "Common Sense.")
Principle 1, from The Declaration of Independence, states that all people are created equal, however I do not believe that this principle is being upheld in the U.S. as well as it should be. For example, in the early/mid 1900’s, people of different races were still being discriminated and mistreated even after decades since the abolishment of slavery. People of color were segregated from the whites and were always given the shorter end of the stick when it came to where they could legally walk, talk, drink, rest, or eat. They were also only allowed at non-white schools and weren't given as great of an education compared to all the white schools. Another example that is actually a personal experience of mine, is when a police officer pulled
Jefferson began the document by explaining that the rights of the Americans had been brutally molested by the unjust King of Britain. Following this accusation, he provided evidence of this abuse by listing not just a mere handful, but 27 grievances that the King had inflicted against the colonies. Lastly, the conclusion of this article publishes and declares that the United Colonies have the right to be freed from the British and that they have the right to govern themselves as any free country does. The strategic organization of the Declaration of Independence allowed the colonies to be powerfully represented by such a clear and prudently worded
The purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to explain the reasoning for why colonies wanted to separate themselves from the Great Britain. The purpose of The Bill of Rights was to make clear of the rights to American citizens. There were ten amendments made to explain the rights they had as a citizen. However, the Declaration of Independence listed the abuses that the British made to the colonist, which effected and went against the Bill of Rights. The abuses made by the Declaration of independence influenced the Bill of Rights and prevented them from ever happening again.
When America’s founding fathers broke away from England, they weren’t the first colonial Englishmen on the American continent, there were plenty of French, Spanish, Dutch and even Russian colonial outposts established before them. What makes the English colonies along the Eastern seaboard story so important, was the fact that 13 colonies joined together to form what is now known as the United States. Furthermore, this 13 colonies New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia risk their lives, fortunes, and sacred honors to start a new nation free from Great Britain’s rule. In the mist of declaring independence from the most powerful nation on earth, America’s founding fathers created a governmental system that was unfamiliar during their era. America’s founding fathers created a government designed to protect civil liberties and encourage independence, a complex yet young and evolving system.
The Crucible is a play that takes place in Salem, Massachusetts during the year 1692 and in short contains Abigail the Reverend’s niece accusing several women of practicing witchcraft. This leads to a witch-hunt. John Proctor and his wife Elisabeth realize that Abigail, with whom John once had an affair with, started all this in order to get Elizabeth hung in order for her to be able to get back together with John. Trying to save his wife’s life John testifies in court about the affair. Elizabeth trying to save her husband, and not knowing he admitted to it, denies it causing John to be accused of witchcraft. John was offered the chance to sign a confession and save his life but refuses to do so as he is concerned over the innocent citizens
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are two significant documents that transformed the history of the United States. The people of the “New World” went from being ruled by British law and living in the thirteen colonies, to becoming an independent nation with a democratic government. The Declaration was written to ensure that all official ties with its mother country, Great Britain, were suspended indefinitely. It then went on to describe the concepts and ideologies behind a just and fair government. The Constitution, however, outlined how the newly democratic government would operate. In 1776, after the Second Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, a verdict was made that the only constructive way to ensure independence as a nation would be to declare independence from King George III, Parliament, and Great Britain. The colonists sought to fashion a clear, detailed document, known as the Declaration of Independence, which stated why the people chose to move in this direction as well as providing several arguments to support their case. This world-renown document is a symbol of the unity between the 13 colonies during their fight for independence during the American Revolutionary War.
The Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson was made in order to give the colonists a way to break free from the shackles of King George. This document has affected the building blocks of the United States and is one of the most important documents in U.S. history. The Declaration of Independance was the foundation of what this country was based on. However, what Jefferson and the other signers might not have expected is the strech, the firm words, would have across the world. The document made such an impression because it was a new and differnet way of dealing with political issues, and they weren't asking for anyones permission. It was the first document unlike anything in American