
Declaration Of Independence Dbq

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Based on the above documents the pure intentions of ordinary Americans when it came to the American Revolution was to gain freedom from Great Britain. Before the American Revolution began the British had been passing acts that would disserve the colonists. An example of this would be the Stamp Act. In document 2 it is mentioned that the Stamp Act is "An act for granting and applying certain stamp duties, and other duties, in the British colonies and plantations in America." Colonists had to pay certain taxes with these acts, causing them to seek a solution for such problem. Additionally when seeking independence, women saw the revolution as a chance to gain more rights and receive the same treatment as men did back then. In document 7 Abaigail Adams wrote to John Adam after the signing of the Declaration of Independence to tell him how she hopes that all that power will not just be put into the hands of the husbands. She wrote "and by the way in the new Code of Laws which I …show more content…

Merchants, who were wealthy at that time believed that by continuing with the rule of England, America would be happy. It was also believed that the only connections the colonies have is due to England. In Document 6 John Holt mentions to Benjamin Franklin "I have heard it asserted by some, that as America hath flourished under her former connection with Great Britain, the same connection is necessary towards her future happiness, and will always have the same effect…that the colonies have no relation to each other but through the mother country." Furthermore, he also proceeds to mention how if those relations with the mother country are kept, America will get along with all Europe and have a free open port. It would not be beneficial for such colonial leaders to maintain a strong relationship with England because this would help them maintain the power they have over the ordinary

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