
Declaration Of Independence Essay

Decent Essays

One if not the most monumental legal document ever created for mankind in the United States is considered to be the Declaration of Independence. Created by Thomas Jefferson around June 20, 1776 becoming one of the most precious artifacts resembling American liberty, the Declaration successfully touched the minds and hearts of the American people with this document. By creating justification of complete rejection of the King George III and the British people and containing vigorous words of revolution the document has sparked the American people’s spirit and bringing them together against one foe. Reading the Declaration of Independence, one may think its targeted audience was Great Britain and the 13 colonies but surprisingly that’s not …show more content…

Not only does that statement show why the document had to be written but it also gives the reader a good idea of what to expect in the contents of the document. All of which makes it easier to follow and understand that the declaration will state the true feelings of the United States of America and her people’s incessant emotions about separation from Great Britain. The formal and proper tone that the document seems to have is worthy of notice. In 1776 (around time this documented was drafted) the general public spoke and wrote more formally than today’s society but even so there is an underlining reason for this. Thomas Jefferson needed to make sure that the 13 colonies was going to be taken seriously as they try to start their own country. Taking a formal tone not only shows dedication and seriousness but it also implies that they do not take the separation from Great Britain lightly and that allot of thought has gone into the future outcomes. Once more proving to any foreigners that the 13 colonies are ready to fight for

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