
Declaration Of Independence Questions And Answers

Decent Essays

Q: George Washington had the Declaration read to every colonial soldier, and it was posted prominently in every town and village. Why do you think this was done?
A: I think George Washington had this done because that he wanted to inform all of the colonies what they were fighting for and why they were fighting. With the Declaration read by most colonists, the Declaration showed the colonists that their cause to become independent was just. The document also showed that this was the only way to secure their God given rights and be able to have a government that actual represents all of them.

Q: How could the Declaration of Independence be seen as an instrument of persuasion?
A: The Declaration of Independence can be seen as an instrument …show more content…

First, the presence of British troops, even in times of peace, without the consent of their legislatures. Next, is Great Britain not allowing them to trade with other parts of the world. Third, the colonist were being taxed and did not have a say on the taxation. In addition, the colonist had no voice in Parliament and therefore were subject to whatever taxes and acts the Parliament and the King felt fit to impose. Lastly, The colonists were deprived of their due process of law and were not allowed a fair trial.

Q: What is the stated purpose of the Declaration?
A: The stated purpose of the Declaration of Independence was to give justification to the colonist and other foreign nations, specifically Great Britain, on why the colonies should be independent from Great Britain.

Q: What do you think is the most important passage in the Declaration? Why?
A: I think the most important passage in the Declaration of Independence is the second paragraph. I feel that this paragraph is most important because it the paragraph states that all men and women are created equal and are entitled to their God-given rights. The paragraph also setups the basis of why the colonists are declaring their

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