
Decolonizing The Mind By Ngugi Wa ThhiogO Summary

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“Since culture does not just reflect the world in images, but actually, through those images, conditions a child to see that world a certain way, the colonial child was made to see the world and where he stands in it as seen and defined by or reflected in the culture of the language of imposition.” When reading “Decolonizing the Mind” was published by an African author named, Ngugi wa Thiog’o”. He takes an interesting approach on how he captures his audiences’ attention, he does this by showing the impact of simply changing ones language can have on a community as a whole. Ngugi uses various forms of Ethos, Pathos, as well as Logos; he does an amazing job of organizing the reading from the start to end.
Ngugi starts to talk about the …show more content…

These punishments ranged from buttocks being caned, humiliated by carrying metal signs that read “I AM STUPID or I AM A DONKEY” or some were even fined. “The culprit was given corporal punishment three to five strokes of the cane on bare buttocks-or was made to carry a metal plate around the neck with inscriptions such as I AM STUPID or I AM A DONKEY.” English became the only way to be successful in Kenya, it didn’t matter how well a student did in all other subjects as long as the student didn’t know English the student would not succeed. Ngugi gives this exact example, “I remember one boy in my class of 1954 who had distinctions in all subjects except English, which he had failed.” This boy failed English and later became a turn boy for a bus company. Ngugi uses ethos here by showing that English was over all languages, and the Englishmen made sure it was enforced.
Over all the children of Kenyas’ life are changed completely Ngugi proves that by changing the childs language and literature they have changes they way the child will view the entire world as a whole, and could take years before he could ever understand his place in the world. Ngugi explains it in a way that can get the reader to imagine a child growing up without any real direction but what he is told. “The real aim of colonialism was to control the people’s wealth: what they produced, how they produced it, and how it was distributed; to control, in other words, the entire realm of the language

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