
Deconstructing The Text 'Charles Milverton'

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In her essay “Deconstructing the Text: Sherlock Holmes”, Catherine Belsey dissects the short story “Charles Augusts Milverton” in accordance with the deconstructionist techniques presented by Robert Dale Parker his book “How to Interpret Literature”. She presents the text as if it is hiding its contradictions, and shows us that a deeper look at the text’s ideology and its image of women, will decenter it, expose its contradictions, and reveal to us the multiple meanings that can be found within a deconstructive interpretation. “Charles Augustus Milverton” revolves around the blackmailing of Lady Eva Blackwell. Miss Blackwell is soon to be married to the Earl of Dovercourt, when she is black mailed by the man who holds the title of the story, …show more content…

At it’s simplest form, Deconstruction is about finding multiple meanings within a text. Deconstructionists believe that every “text is always already deconstructed” (Parker, 89). And that “They don’t do it to a text. Instead, they expose the way that it is already done” (Parker, 89) Deconstructionist often “focus on language itself” (Parker, 88), they see “everything as figurative, as dense with rhetoric and textuality” (Parker, 88). This view of “multiplicity” (Parker, 86) goes against the scientific, and close-ended nature of the “classic realist text” (Belsey,383), which Belsey defines as being “enigma followed by disclosure” (Belsey,383). The very act of tying together the loose ends of a mystery into a nicely organized conclusion, defies the intentions of deconstructionists. Parker tells us that “In deconstruction there is always more, a surplus of meaning and rhetoric (Parker, 87). This surplus of meaning is what “Derrida calls a supplement” (Parker, 87). In her essay, Belsey focuses on the scientific intent of Holmes. She believes that “The project of the Sherlock Holmes stories is to dispel magic and mystery, to make everything explicit, accountable, subject to scientific analysis.” (Belsey, 383) The very foundation of the story is about as simple as it could be “one victim initiates the plot, another concludes it” (Belsey, 282). …show more content…

The same may be said, my dear fellow, for the effect of some of these little sketches of yours, which is entirely meretricious, depending as it does upon your retaining in your hands some factors of the problem which are never imparted to the reader. Now, at present I am in the position of these same readers, for I hold in this hand several threads of one of the strangest cases which ever perplexed a man’s brain, and yet I lack the one or two which are needful to complete my theory. But I’ll have them, Watson, I’ll have

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