
Decreasing MRSA Outbreaks: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Nurses Role in Decreasing MRSA Outbreaks in Hospitals and the Community
MRSA, Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria first identified in the late 1960s. It may live on the skin and present in wounds, blood, urine or sputum. The bacterium is spread by direct contact with in infection or indirect contact with infected surfaces or items. Its origin can be either community acquired (CA-MRSA) or hospital acquired (HA-MRSA).
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (as cited in Upshaw-Owens & Bailey, 2012) MRSA-related infections have risen from 2% of S.aureus infections in 1974 to 64% in 2004. In the United States 46% of S.aureus cases are Methicillin resistant. The rise in infection rates is alarming and …show more content…

PPEs should be donned outside the room and removed before exiting the room. Maintaining a clean environment is critical to prevent re-colonization. The Department of Health (as cited in Robinson, Edgley, & Morrell, 2014) recommends changing bed linens, clothing, and towels every day. They recommend the floor be cleaned (mopped or vacuumed) and all surfaces wiped down with hospital grade disinfectant at least once a day. This disinfection protocol also holds true for patients being treated for MRSA in the community setting. The patient must diligently maintain clean environmental settings in order to prevent reinfection. Education is crucial, the patient should be given a written handout defining what “clean environment” means including frequency, objects to clean, and what products to use. This amount of work can be difficult for patients with co-morbidities; recommendations for extra help around the house should be made if necessary. In the hospital setting the nurse can monitor the patient care advocates to make sure the environment is cleaned …show more content…

Their objective was to “evaluate and characterize MRSA and staphylococci carriage and conversion rates in nursing students across clinical semester rotations and to describe risk factors” (Rhode et al., 2012). This longitudinal study discovered that none of the students contracted MRSA over the course of five hospital based clinical rotations. They believe that educating the participants of the study with emphasis on hygiene, fomites, reservoirs and prevention minded thinking had a strong impact on the MRSA colonization remaining at zero. The study highlights the importance of proper education and compliance with proper infection control

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