
Dede Antanas Research Paper

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Jurgis Rudkus and Ona Lukoszaite are two immigrants from Lithuania, who about to get married. Marija Berczynskas is the cousin of Ona Lukoszaite, and ensured that the wedding reception went smoothly. Jurgis and Ona were married in the stockyards district of Chicago, Illinois, in the back room of a saloon. They were forced to delay their wedding for a lengthy period of time, due to economic hardships faced while migrating to the United States from Lithuania. One of the laws of the Lithuanian wedding, or "veselija" is that nobody can go hungry at the feast, which takes place after the ceremony. As a result, any stranger even looking sufficiently hungry, was invited to the feast. The music changes the whole tone of the feast. Dede Antanas is Jurgis'

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