
Defining Happiness Complex Is Everyone You Know If Someone Is Happy?

Decent Essays

The first issue that makes defining happiness complex is us wanting to know if someone is happy. We want to know what that person is feeling/mood about there own satisfaction with their own life. Of course that person might already be happy at that exact moment about there life. There might be times where that person has a mood way opposite of their satisfaction with life. We want to know which dimension will win in deciding if the person is happy or not? The second issue that makes defining happiness complex is wanting to know who gets to decided if a person is happy. Do we really think that an outside observer can make a conclusion about if someone is happy or unhappy just by looking at them? Also do we really think that happiness is something that a person can decide for themselves? The third issue that makes defining happiness complex is that some feelings are very similar. Happiness and contentment may have the same definition to some people, while other people have different definitions for both. Is contentment a happiness or is it a whole different emotion/meaning? Can we put a person that describes themselves as "content" in the same category as the other people who describes themselves as "happy"?
2.) One of the many definitions of Operational Definitions is a "positive mood in the present and a positive outlook for the future" (Achor, 2010, p.39). Operational Definitions are important to studies in psychology because what we might learn about a concept from a study

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