
Defining Police Ethics And Ethics

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Running head: Defining Police Ethics

Defining Police Ethics
Juan C. Sanchez
American Public University, CMRJ 308
August 23, 2015

In today’s society, professional values and ethics play a very important role in law enforcement. In order to lead a successful career in the police force, a person must have a strong principle of value and a great knowledge of what ethics. Any person in law enforcement that chooses not to follow the principles of value and ethics will most likely not have a very successful career. Lack of value and ethics may bring scrutiny, mockery, and humiliation to the police force that in turn could hurt a department 's reputation. Proving a great amount of value for ethics and principal should be the agency’s main focus. Values and ethical decision making should certainly be a part of a police officer’s everyday life. They are the decisions we make; a person is described by his/her values or ethics. By young adults, characters are developed, and personalities are based on values and ethics. Values are measured as the guide that allows us to be able to make decisions. Ethics is a system of moral principles. Acting upon what is right and wrong is a simpler way of defining ethics. If a person is acting in an unethical way, it means that they are acting indecent and is disobeying his or her values. Ethics are about a person’s actions and behavior, and values are about a person’s beliefs. Values are considered to be the thin line

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