
The Definition Of A Community In The United States

Decent Essays

The definition of a community is a group of people who live in the same place and have similarities. The success of a community is the responsibility of every individual in it. What you invest and what personal interest you put aside for the community will determine its success. Many people don't help their community because it infringes with their own personal interests or well being, which sadly is the case with most communities, be that the USA, Decatur Il, or Meadowlark.

When we hear about specific towns or smaller communities it’s because something great happens like they all help rebuild after a natural disaster or they’re having a special event for someone in need. So I ask; Is this something great they’re doing or is it their personal responsibility to their community. Two days ago I heard that a homeless man with several different diseases died. I knew this man, they called him Mr. George and he would sit at an intersection just outside of the neighborhood grocery store and hold up a sign. It read “Will Work For Food And Gasoline”. The news reporter was interviewing his children and they stated that “If only people would have helped he may have survived” they …show more content…

There are so many good things that happen in this country that are a result of a person making individual sacrifices. People like police officers or firefighters are all good examples of people that make sacrifices to keep out communities and the USA as a whole safe, they go to work everyday working their hardest to make their community a better place leading to making the world a better place. Another incredible example is the US armed forces, all branches. They make the ultimate sacrifice to keep the nation, their families, and us safe. They risk their lives which is the most a person can give to make sure everyone in this country is safe. Still think taking a minute to get involved and help out within your community is too

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