
Definition Essay On Courage

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Courage is a seven letter word that many of people can say they are courageous or achieved bravery in their lifetime. There is courage everywhere you look. Courage is in the air. It is in the words you say, the risks you take and the actions you make every day. Courage shapes the society we live in today. Even if you have struggled in life it is always important to work harder for your goals and achieve them. What is courage, is a question that many people ask themselves in their lifetime. Courage is the ability to do something that frightens yourself or others. Many people around you show courage even if you don't recognize it. It is a quality in many people in our society today. Many people around you show signs and acts of courage even …show more content…

He served in the navy and became an officer. He earned 22 medals from many different countries. He also earned 3 honorary doctorates. After he served in the navy he moved on to exploring places other people haven't been before. He claimed to have done the first expedition to the north pole. This shows courage because no one had ever been there before, that he knew of. His expeditions took place in the late 19 century and the early 20th century. (Robert) Sean Swarner is another example of courage. He was diagnosed with cancer when he was 14, and again when he was 16. He survived both rounds of cancer and is thriving now. He decided to do something meaningful with his life. Sean decided that he was going to climb Mount Everest. He ended up being the first cancer survivor to climb Mount Everest. If you try hard enough you can achieve anything you put your mind to. (Inspirational) I have many people in my family that show examples of courage every day. My cousin drew just came home from the military, my uncle's Jr and Doug are both retired veterans, and my cousin Nikki is also a veteran. They show courage every day, whether they are retired or not by serving our country. Other members of my family show courage by raising kids being a single parent, fighting a deadly disease, and losing their spouse. Many people that you know show courage all of the

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