
Definition Essay Sacrifice

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What kinds of sacrifice do people make, what do they get out of it, and how do they know when to make a sacrifice? The definition for sacrifice is the act of giving up something for the sake of other considerations. An example of sacrifice is a parent who gives her free time to help her child with his homework.

People sacrifice for many reasons. People sacrifice for time, money, comfort, and energy. People sacrifice there time for someone or something. Like parents sacrificing there time for there children. People sacrifice for money or sacrifice there money. People sacrifice there favorite activities or stuff for money. They also sacrifice money for someone or something. People sacrifice comfort for others or for there's. An example of this is someone sacrificing there comfy seat to someone who needs it. A person sacrifice there comfort for things like someone sacrificing there comfort for style. …show more content…

When people sacrifice the values in making it is either gaining something from it or to help. The values of sacrifice are achievement, result, satisfaction, and relationships. How does a person sacrifice for the value of achievement. How a person sacrifices for the value of achievement is a person sacrificing there smoking habit to live a healthier life style. What does it mean for a person to sacrifice for the value of results. An example of this is a restaurant sacrificing number of days off to get results. I think most people who sacrifice are in it for the value of satisfaction they feel. Like someone who donates one of there organs to someone who needs it more making them feel good about themselves the help someone. Last on the list is the value of relationships in making a sacrifice. A person who sacrifice for the value of relationships wants to improve it. An example of this is people sacrificing anything for one another. People who sacrifice always want a certian value of

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