
Definition Of Fallacies

Decent Essays

As group one entered week 6, each student was required to define fallacies, and relate each fallacy to an experience. The outlined fallacies included, Causal, Either/or, Bandwagon, Hasty Generalization, Attacking the Person, and Red Herring. The group participants delivered informative outlines of the definitions collaborated with their unique experiences or examples. In addition, each member briefly elaborated about how they would approach a situation, if they were fairly certain about specific information, yet, they didn’t retain the source from which the information originated. In the event of each group member expressing their thoughts concerning the defined terms of fallacies, and their experience or examples. Latasha, Deborah, and Alana …show more content…

Alana’s theory suggest that this behavior is common among youngster, as a form of peer pressure. In addition, Mrs. Sullivan notes how she utilize her expertise and strategies concerning the bandwagon fallacy with her elementary students, since this behavior is common among children. Meanwhile, Latasha refer to the behavior of members within a religious environment, and one’s ability to attack a person, because of an individual’s attire. Attacking a person is the cause of one prejudging the personal characteristics of another person, before acknowledging an individual’s unique ideas or proposals. Certainly, Latasha presents an interesting example, since I have witnessed the same behavior within the environment of a place of worship. In addition, this type of prejudgment has been active since the beginning of history, and the biblical term is casting …show more content…

Deborah mentions a brief example of this fallacy concerning her experience within a workforce environment. In addition, either/or is presented when there is only two solutions to an argument. This fallacy is practiced daily, in communication interactions, as Latasha furnishes an example of the fallacy concerning consequences her husband will encounter if he don’t follow the guidelines of his doctor’s directions. Nevertheless, hasty generalization occurs when individuals assume that they have concluded accurate reasoning, yet, their assumptions don’t provide enough proof. When Alana speaks about her employment environment, she considers how people create assumptions that dwelling of rates are okay with the employees. However, their assumption is incorrect, since the farm owners are trying to find way to eliminate the situation, yet, the employees tolerate the situation. When I consider that there are several variables that will have both negative and positive reflections in a group climate. I understand that when one has followed the rules or suggestions of how to communicate and collaborate effectively, they have not failed. The majority of a group decision is similar to a boomerang, and one should continue to be calm, positive, and

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