
Definition Of Family In 'Secondhand Lions'

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Family in a conventional context is seen as mothers and fathers providing for their children, both mentally and economically. In Secondhand Lions, Walter’s mother does not provide in an economic or mental way and he is forced to live a life without the feeling of genuine love. When Walter’s mother realizes her uncles are rich she sends Walter to them in hopes he will find their money. Walter does not want to go there at first but as his experiences with his uncles progress, and they teach him what it means to be a man, he realizes they are his true family and he would rather be with them than his mother.
The word “family” is derived from the Latin form, Familia. The conventional definition of family is a group consisting of parents and children living together in a household. Familia in its traditional definition means servants of a household. Family is generally related to the Holy Family. The Holy Family consists of baby Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Family is also seen in many great works of literature throughout history. Including, Oedipus by Sophocles. In Oedipus, he is prophesized to kill his father and marry and produce kids with his mother. This Greek tragedy shows the twisted forms of family that is possible and has been focused on by psychiatrists like Sigmund Freud.
Secondhand Lions begins with Walter, a young boy, and his mother, Mae, in a car. Mae is explaining to Walter how she met a man who is going to get her a job in up and coming technology,

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