
Dehumanization In Night By Elie Wiesel

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Over the course of only twelve years, the Nazis managed to gradually convert a large portion of the Jewish nation from citizens to livestock in the eyes of almost an entire nation. Twelve years does not seem like a long time for such an atrocity to occur, especially in the middle of the 20th century, long past the barbaric days of the Jews being persecuted for their religion. Every move the Nazis made was cold, calculated, and significantly gradual. They knew that if they were to start sending people to concentration camps immediately that there would be riots, resistance, and the German people may not stand for something so uselessly horrific. Instead, they took their time, slowly and carefully stripping the Jewish people of their rights, and the people took little notice at the tide lapping at their feet until the waves had consumed them, and they had already drowned. Hitler seized power in 1933, and in 1945, up to 6 million Jews had perished at his command before the war finally ended. During that time the German people had come to see the Jewish people as little more than a virus, invading their country and destroying their lives from the inside. Elie Wiesel recounts 5 years of abuse at the hands of the Nazi party that he endured in his critically acclaimed novel Night. Over the course of the book he describes, from a first person perspective, the calculated and gradual dehumanization of the Jewish people.
Elie Wiesel is a young boy of only 13 when we first meet

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