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Dehumanization "Dehumanization, although a concrete historical fact, is not a given destiny but the result and unjust order that engenders violence in the oppressors, which in turn dehumanizes the oppressed" (Freire). This quote by Paulo Freire encompasses the destructive reality of dehumanization, which can be observed throughout the history of the world. This concept of removing another's humanity and dignity has left scars on the hearts of minorities who were considered to be unworthy of basic human rights. While the sinfulness of creation has lead to many aspects of moral decay, dehumanization could be considered to be the pinnacle of its depravity. Ultimately, this has lead to violence, war, and even genocide. Overall, this term can be defined by the way in which it labels people who are different, devalues human life, and destroys the humanity of those who institute it.
Labeling Those Who Are Different Dehumanization is defined by the way in which one labels those who are different from them. When one person chooses to dehumanize another, they are essentially developing an enemy image of that person or people group. This negative image eventually becomes a stereotypical lens through which the oppressing person views that other person or group. Unjustified feelings of animosity, anger, and fear directed toward the group can follow and even lead violence (Maiese, 2003, p.2). An example of this is demonstrated through the way in which the company stereotyped the

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