
Dell Marketing Strategy

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10/28/2010 | | Dell Co. Marketing Plan | C.E.O Patrick Eversull C.F.O. Anthony Chapman C.O.O. Thomas Jackson President of Tactics Stephen Miclette C.E.O Patrick Eversull C.F.O. Anthony Chapman C.O.O. Thomas Jackson President of Tactics Stephen Miclette Executive Summary For many years the Dell Corporation has been the fastest growing entity in the computer industry and is considered a pioneer in direct marketing. With the Pc industry being such a unique industry with its super fast product life cycles and having to keep up with continuous innovation, it is one of the most difficult industries to maintain a competitive edge. From the beginning Dell has been focused on customer service by understanding the customer’s …show more content…

The majority of the individuals considered to be super rich tend to be older, more than one third of them are over 55. The American middle class is an ambiguously defined social class in the United States. (Thompson) While the concept remains largely ambiguous in popular opinion and common language use, (Thompson) contemporary sociologists have put forward several, more or less congruent, theories on the American middle class. Depending on class model used, the middle class may constitute anywhere from 25% to 66% of the total households in the country with the largest concentration of middle class citizens is in the mid west. The middle to upper middle class is dominated by people who identify as Caucasian.- 82 percent of people in this category identify with that race group, a larger share than in the nation total population. Of the roughly 26 million households in this income group, about 11 million have an income between $60,000 to $74,999 (representing 43 percent of this segment); 10 million have an income between $50,000 and $59,999 (representing 37 percent); and 5 million have earnings between $45,000 and $49,999 (20 percent). Since the world is so diverse and a chart with all the demographics for it would be almost impossible to find here is a population growth chart of the top 25 countries so you can see exactly what countries are growing and leading the world in population. By these

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