
Delving Deeper Into Forensic Odontology

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Delving Deeper into Forensic Odontology: The Science behind Those Pearly Whites Bryce C. McGeorge Arnold R. Burton Center for Arts and Technology Abstract This paper explores the history of forensic odontology, the technologies of odontology, the requirements to pursue a career in forensic odontology, and two infamous cases that forensic odontology helped to reach a conviction of both Ted Bundy and Wayne Boden. Many of the sources used will cover multiple topics, but each topic will be addressed in its own paragraph and each topic will be gone into detail with explanation regarding why each piece of information was provided. Articles that cover the history of odontology will address both the beginnings of odontology and where odontology has come today. Articles covering the technologies of odontology will address how technologies have progressed and the origin of them. Articles containing details on how one may pursue a career in forensic odontology will cover educational requirements and recommendations from experts who have worked in the field for many of years. Articles pertaining to Ted Bundy and his respective case and Wayne Boden and his respective case will delve deep into how odontologists were able to match the two criminals to bite marks left on victims and ultimately convict them of their crimes. Delving Deeper into Forensic Odontology: The Science behind Those Pearly Whites Forensic Science, or the method of obtaining and testing information regarding

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