
Demographic Survey

Decent Essays

As mentioned in chapter one the national board for professional teaching standards, recognize national board certified teachers who have Early Childhood Generalist and Middle Childhood Generalist certification who teach second and third grade. The teachers in the study hold National Board Certification, Advanced Degrees, and bachelor degrees. The teachers in the study vary in years of teaching experience. National board teachers have three or more years of service. In addition, six public elementary schools in northeast North Carolina participated in the study. The teachers teach full time in a second or third grade public school classroom. All participants in the study teach reading instruction. Each teacher benchmarked students in reading …show more content…

For the purpose of the study, the researcher collected the beginning of the year and the end of the year reading test scores. The reading test is a diagnostic reading test. The researcher retrieved reading test score data electronically through the Amplify Services database.
In addition, the researcher explored the demographic of the teachers, with the use of a demographic survey. The survey consisted of four questions. The closed ended survey questions pertained to the teachers’ certification level, advance degree level, years of experience, and the school placement of each teacher. The demographic survey was sent electronically. All teachers received the same questions in the same sequence. Then, the survey was collected and analyzed to clearly gain essential demographic information regarding teachers in the study. Then, collection of data was coded and entered into the R Project for Statistical Computing. R is used for statistical computing analysis and coding of data. The researcher analyzed the results of the inferential statistical runs. The researcher included teacher’s school of employment in the regression to give a more robust picture of the actual effect of the predictor variables. Therefore, “school was coded as a random effect. The demographic survey is included in the Appendix

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