
Dental Hygienists

Decent Essays

I clearly remember visiting the Dentist when I was nine years old and how much I enjoyed the office’s aroma. I frequently visit my Dentist office, not because I needed but I wanted be there. I had the opportunity to learn how to mix amalgam, how to prepare prophylaxis paste, and how to clean and sterilize instruments at early age. Ever since I can remember I knew that I wanted to work in the dental field. For that reason, it was a surprise for me that Dental field was not the unique career which corresponds with my interest and personality type. Even though Dental Hygiene was not in my top ten strong occupations, it fit in the first two of five top interest areas according to the Strong Interest Inventory. While doing my research, I …show more content…

Interpersonal skills: Hygienists should also be able to work well with others, as they typically work in close proximity with patients, dentists, and other office staff. Being responsible and loyal to organization, family and relationships, I match perfectly in this career. Technical skills: Dental hygienists must understand how to operate complex machinery, including x-ray machines and powered instruments. According to the Myers-Briggs Indicator results, I like to

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