
Descartes ' Meditations On First Philosophy Essay

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In Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes begins a quest into his own mind and existence by putting all of his beliefs up for questioning in order to determine what can be certain and what can be doubted. He realized that he was able to doubt if he had a body in instances of dreaming or of illusions. But, he was unable to doubt the fact that he had a mind because the mind is the “the thinking thing” that processes all the doubts of his existence. Descartes’ mechanism into figuring out the truth is to doubt everything. Descartes argues that the mind and the body are completely separate entities because of the minds capability to exist on its own. Despite the fact that his argument is well assembled and explained, there are a few doubts and situations which make it unclear as to whether the mind really has a purpose without the body. The dualism of the mind and the body is explained and argued in Mediation VI: “I am merely a thinking thing and not an extended thing, and because on the other hand I have a distinct idea of a body, insofar as it is merely an extended thing and not a thinking thing, it is certain that I am really distinct from my body and can exist without it.” (AT 78). Our capability to understand certain things without the influence of the other is evidence that it is possible for our thoughts to be independent and uninfluenced. Descartes explains how all the things we clearly and distinctly understand must be made by God. God allows our minds

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