
Descartes Mind Body Problem

Decent Essays

What is the mind-body problem? Explain how Descartes addressed this problem.

In philosophy, the mind-body problem examines the relationship between mind and matter. Specifically, it explores the relationship between consciousness and the brain, and whether or not the two are mutually exclusive. Descartes addressed this with his infamous “cogito ergo sum” (“I think, therefore I am”) argument.

On Descartes’ framework, what are the essences and distinctive properties of minds and bodies?

According to Descartes, minds do not have a physical extension in space, and bodies are unable to think. From this, he made the argument that:
1) his mind is certainly a thinking thing, but not necessarily physical
2) his body is certainly physical, but …show more content…

However, Princess Elisabeth of Bohemia noted that if the mind and body are theoretically separate substances, then interaction between the two should not be possible. For example, how can an immaterial thing – such as a mind – have “contact” with or “push” a material thing – such as a body?

What is behaviorism and how does it address the mind-body problem?

When these issues delegitimized Cartesianism, behaviorism came about. Behaviorism is the general theory that science is only able to deal with what is overt and observable. Seeing as mental states are private and cannot be confirmed through behavioral evidence, behaviorists believe that they cannot be studied. It dictates that when studying people and animals, we should only pay attention to observable behavior, and ignore alleged events that take place in the mind.
There are three different type of behaviorism: methodological behaviorism, which dictates that the only data admissible to the scientific study of the mind is publicly observable behavior (literal movements of the body); logical behaviorism, which implies that every meaningful psychological expression can be defined solely in terms of behavioral and physical expressions; and finally, ontological behaviorism

How does behaviorism explain or analyze mental …show more content…

Ryle held that thinking was a behavior you performed with your body, and therefore, like Descartes, if you’re certain you are thinking, you can be certain that you have a body.

What is the biggest problem facing such behavioristic analyses of mental states?

This position on mental states, however, does not leave room for accountability and subjective experience. Mental states vary from person to person – is that not the beauty of it? Similarly, we are able to manipulate our external behaviors, despite our private mental states. For example, we are able to withhold our thoughts and opinions, keeping them private, and we are also able to manipulate and misrepresent them and ourselves. Similarly, people are able to experience similar – or even the same – mental states and experiences, but show no behavioral difference.

How does identity theory explain the sense in which the mind and its mental states are

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