
Describe Rosemary

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Several months ago I noticed that one of the tiny hairs along my hairline was white. Being a paint chemist, I was not surprised as I am quite used to paint getting into my hair. Unbothered, I set about removing what I thought was paint from my hair. Usually, this is a simple exercise as the oils that coat my strands prevent the paint from sticking to my hair. The paint usually slides right off, but not this time. I leaned in towards the mirror to get a closer look at my colored strands and that’s when I realized that my hair was not covered in white paint. My hair, was gray. Now I am determined to age gracefully but that doesn’t mean I want my head prematurely covered with grays. I’d also prefer to keep my hair color dark without having to constantly hair dyes and rinses which I’ve always found to be drying to my hair. If …show more content…

Rosemary reduces shedding and improves circulation to the scalp thereby promoting healthy hair growth. Rosemary is known to darken grays though its darkening effect isn’t as strong as that of sage. Rosemary is also great at combatting thinning and premature graying due to its high antioxidant content. This amazing herb also has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory properties great for treating dandruff and calming an irritated scalp. Using rosemary and sage in combination is therefore a great way to get the best of both worlds. Multiple hair and scalp benefits and darkening of grays.
Henna and Indigo
Henna is a hair conditioner and a natural way to color hair or create subtle highlights in hair depending on your starting color. On gray hair henna gives an orange/copper tint. Indigo gives a blue black color that when applied on previously hennaed hair will completely darken gray hair. Even a single treatment with henna and indigo is difficult to remove from hair, so use these herbs for permanent coloring only. Henna and indigo application video
Making herbal

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