
Describe and critique Moffitt

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Describe and critique Moffitt’s (1993) developmental taxonomy.

Moffitt (1993) proposed the developmental taxonomy theory of offending behaviour as an attempt to explain the developmental processes that lead to the shape of the age crime curve. Moffitt proposed that there are two primary types of antisocial offenders in society. First the Adolescent Limited Offender who exhibits antisocial behaviour only during adolescence, and secondly, the Life-Course-Persistent offender, who behave in an antisocial manner from early childhood into adulthood. Moffitt 's theory can be applied to both females and males. This essay describes Moffitt 's theory on developmental taxonomy and thereafter criticise Moffitt 's theory by …show more content…

This is because in Moffitt developmental model adolescents confront a fundamental developmental problem and that they are biologically mature, and are desirous of adult activities. However, as modern society refrains youngsters from engaging in such activities youngsters suffer from the maturity gap which dissatisfies youngsters becoming the motivator for misconduct.

Moffitt (1993) contends that anti-social behaviour is not only learned through social mimicry but that this especially true with regard to imitating the acts of older youths. Commenting further, he suggests a key linkage between adolescent and life-persistent offenders in this regard whereby the latter act as delinquent models for younger offenders. Thus, for instance, older youth offenders (or young adult life-persistent offenders) may emerge as role models because they appear more mature and engage in acts such as drinking, smoking and so on. Commenting further upon this aspect of behaviour Moffitt and Caspi (2001) show a comparability of childhood risk factors of males and females from Dunedin’s (2001) longitudinal study, In looking at the exhibiting of childhood and adolescent antisocial behaviour. Dunedin (2001) concluded that females had high-risk backgrounds in childhood but not during adolescence, which is consistent

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