
Description Of The Program Or Service

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Executive Summary

Description Of The Program Or Service
In 1999, expert surgical nurse authors at the Association of perioperative Registered Nurses developed a comprehensive curriculum to assist in the education and transition of nurses entering the OR for the first time (Beyea, 2002). In 2007, the modules moved from an instructor-led face-to-face curriculum to an online curriculum entitled Periop 101: A Core Curriculum (AORN, n.d.). The program contains education modules that help learners master core perioperative competencies and create a strong perioperative knowledge base. A variety of resources are used for the program including reading assignments, videos, and critical skills assessment checklists that are present. Each of the modules also delineates safety implications on that specific area of content. Periop 101 is best utilized when combined with preceptorship and skills labs.
The goal of Periop 101 is directly related to the Institute of Medicine 's 2010 recommendation for a nurse residency program. It helps hospitals cultivate confident, well-prepared, patient safety centered nurses. A key component of the curriculum is that it uses AORN 's Perioperative Standards and Recommended Practices (AORN, 2012) as a major source of information for the novice perioperative nurse. This feature fosters early use of AORN standards as a key source of direction for practice. Periop 101, when used as the major component of an OR nurse residency program supplemented with

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