
Descriptive Essay About A Cat

Decent Essays

Growing up I had always dreamed of having my own apartment and having my own pets to love and take care of. I had never lived in a house without a pet, so when I moved into my new apartment I knew having a pet was a must. Unfortunately my landlord would not allow dogs, so I settled for a cat. Who knew I’d end up with three! The day they came home I was filled with joy and excitement. I knew my daughter would be overwhelmed with joy once she knew we added three new additions to the family. The kittens’ fur was as black as the night sky and was soft and silky. As I gazed into the new kittens eyes, which were as blue as a cloudless sky, my heart filled with happiness. My daughter named them Mollie, Marcie, and Mittenz. My daughter and the cats seemed to get along very well; no matter how much I observed her torturing them, dragging them around the house, as if they were lifeless stuffed animals. Those poor cats took my daughter’s “abuse” and just allowed her to continue to carry them. Although there were times they set limits with my daughter and made sure to let her know when enough was enough. As the months flew by I was lucky enough to watch these two intelligent cats perform amazing tricks and out-smart me in many ways, which amused me the most. If I left any food out, I would expect within minutes for the food to be eaten. If I took food out to thaw, I would come home to find the food in the middle of the floor with miniscule teeth marks all through out the package

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