I have a general love for animals, but I specifically have an interest in cats. Their agility, grace, and independence is very captivating and beautiful. So, at seven-years-old, I believed I was ready to own some cats! My mother was a bit hesitant, and she told me that cats were a big responsibility, and I understood that. However, I was willing to take that challenge just to have two little furballs in our home. A month after the talk, I saw an ad in a paper talking about this animal shelter that had just opened up at Fashion Fair mall. Being small, emotional, and a cat-lover, you can imagine my determination of having a cat after the ad read “Many kittens and cats looking for a forever home. Adopt one today!” I took the newspaper and stomped …show more content…
My mom and I love theme parks, and what theme park is better than Disneyland! I’ve been to Six Flags Magic Mountain and Universal Studios constantly, but it’s been awhile since I’ve been to Dinseyland. There was a time when I even believed I hadn’t gone at all. The thought of me going seemed so rare and extraordinary because, well Disneyland costs a lot, but I was constantly told I had gone. I was only three then, we’d gone with my grandparents, and there was even pictures to prove it! So I finally gave in, admitting I’d gone, but I still wasn’t satisfied. So what I’d gone! I obviously didn’t remember that time! I deserved to go again! I was a good student, a good daughter, and I believed I really deserved a trip, no matter the expense or the distance! I waited it out though, suffering through the commercials and never missing a beat in telling my mom about the discounts on Disneyland tickets. Suddenly, on my ninth birthday, all my waiting was going to pay off. All my begging was finally going to cease. It was a colorful birthday, a few weeks before the actual date, and all my friends had come of course! My grandparents were there, and my aunt visited for a while before having to leave to an appointment. But it was odd, because before she left, she laid a piece of paper on the present pile and my mom was quick to swoop it up. So, throughout the party, I waited in anxious anticipation to open my gifts, not knowing that today was the day I was waiting for. Finally it was time for presents, and my whole body tensed, waiting for the paper. However, as I tore through wrapper after wrapper, I just couldn’t find my aunt’s gift! Where was the paper!! After unwrapping the final present, I stood up to hug all my friends, but my mother’s shout to wait instantly made me sit down. I blinked at her, how big she smiled and how excited
I believe that the decision to prevent me going to Six Flags Trip was wrong, I am a dedicated Student Council member. I try to go when I can, but I have sports and lifting for football year round. The activities/events I have helped out with this year are I ate pie for the pie eating contest, help out at Christmas Decorating, donate $10 to the ALS cause, brought in Juice for Tilly's Kids, almost perfect attendance to all meetings except one, and I am being a candidate for Mr. High Point. Please take in consideration of bringing me to the Six Flags Trip, Thanks for your
There is one place that millions of people will flock to annually. Guests from all over the world save up to visit California’s Disneyland to experience and share the happiness and magic. Stepping inside Disneyland, in the heart of Orange County, California seems to teleport people to a place they have never been before. They are no longer in the hustle and bustle of California; they are now at the gates of Main Street USA. Disneyland is truly the happiest place on Earth, filled with wonderful rides, life-sized characters, and magical shows that will leave everyone in awe.
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” – Muhammad Ali. Many people live their lives without finding the courage to take risks and to stand up for what they believe in and follow. Fortunately we can look back through history to find those who have demonstrated true courage in three separate ways. Rosa Parks, Thomas Edison, and Jesus Christ are all examples of people who have shown true courage throughout history.
Disney World has been a big part of my life since my first visit at merely six months old. As an only child, I am the princess of my family wherever I go, and we love to travel. Every weekend, I’m either in a different state, country, or at Walt Disney World. As I traveled this summer throughout the US and Europe, I searched for the places where the Disney princesses, that are always with me in heart, might feel at home, too.
A little time ago, I went to Windermere, Florida to spend forty-three days with my friend. Before I travel , my mom told me I needed to choose if I want to only go to Disney’s parks or if I want to study in a small university, which has a program for teens. First I trow I love Disney’s parks, the Mickey Mouse and all the characters. And I really want to have fun in my trip. What is the fun to go do Orlando and don’t go to the parks? But after I think about this and I cognize I need to back to Brazil with some knowledge. And I can make more friends in a class than outside of it. In the end of the day, I talked with my mom I wanted to study in the university on the week and in the weekend, if is possible, go to the parks. She told me it
Walt Disney Studios is one of the most famous studios all around the world, it has created a lot of great movies such as Pirates of the Caribbean and Star Wars. Walt Disney Studios owns and runs the following companies: Walt Disney Animation Studios and Pixar Animation Studios; Marvel studios; and Lucasflim. (Walt Disney Studios, 2016). Their headquarter is located in Hollywood, California. The main products for Walt Disney Studios are their movies and TV-series, but they also supply editing and recording services. Therefore, their main customer are movie director, screenplay writer, advertiser and talent agency. With all these clients Walt Disney Studios must maintain good customer service. This size of the company need a unexceptionable customer
Disneyland, to most people, is the happiest place on Earth. It was named after its creator, Walt Disney. Walt disney was a creator and animator of the first animated films. Some of Disney's works include the most popular cartoon characters in history such as Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, and more. Walt Disney co-founded Walt Disney Productions, which has grown to be the biggest producer of animated and family focused films.
Disneyland may claim to be the happiest place on Earth but I know a place more enchanted than anything Mickey could have ever imagined. I know a place that’s bursting with magic, a place with a million adventures that have yet to be explored, a place where thousands of people are waiting to tell their story. It’s a place of limitless opportunities that will take you to wherever you want to go, whether it may be miles away in the sparkling lights of the concrete jungle or back in the heart of the Eternal City. It’s a place that always smells of a musty, intoxicating scent that lingers on your fingertips and if you’ll listen closely enough, you’ll hear whispers from another world tempting you with secrets. I can still remember strolling through
People always say Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, they clearly haven’t been to Universal Studios. I was jumping up and down on Makayla when I found out we were going. I was already planning out what we were going to do when we first get there. I was looking forward to go on the mummy ride, go shopping on city walk, and go to Sparky’s doughnuts. Sparkys is by far the best cinnamon sugar doughnuts I have ever haved. Everyday my family and I wanted to have them before we left the park.
Disneyland is a fun place yes, but I would prefer going on a hike just above my house. We like to call it, the Indian Grounds. We go up there for several reasons, to hike, to cut wood, to go shooting, ride the quad or jeep, or just for fun. I always feel free when I’m up there. I think that the grounds are just as good of an adventure as Disneyland, but every time you go up there, you find something new, and it's free.
Ever since I was a little girl, I have dreamed of a Disney Park experience. I remember waking up early and watching Disney specials on TV about the magical experiences you can have at a Disney Park, and even today I find myself watching videos of all the cool things I have to do if I get the opportunity to go someday. I even have a list of all the food I want to try on my phone (just in case!)
Revolutions, we can safely say, are a historical constant. The human desire for change and the will to fight for one’s future have led to revolutions of varying size and scope since the earliest of ancient times. The 20th century too saw revolutions of all kinds. And yet, of the many revolutions that marked the past century of human history, very few had such effects and such impact as the Chinese Communist Revolution of 1949, or the War for Liberation, as many Chinese know it. Truly, the revolution of 1949 has dramatically changed the world, both in an economic and political context and beyond. It has forever changed not only China, but the very Chinese nation, and paved the way for her to become one of the giant global players of today. But scholars often challenge the communist nature of the revolution, stating that, while it was the communists who led it, the revolution itself was in many ways not
Disney World and The World of Fabrication Walt Disney first created the brand Disney in October 16,1923, which was called The Disney Brothers Studio. Walt Disney opened Disney Brothers Studio, which turned into the Disney corporation, later on to live a dream he created throughout his parks. Disney World in Florida's grand opening was in October, 1971, where Mickey Mouse led the first official visitor's into the park. By November Disney World was the most talked about attraction in the Western world. Disney World is a tribute to Walter Elias Disney and to the Disney Organization that made Walt Disney’s dream come true.
The debate on if the death penalty is ethical is something that is a long-standing debate depending on what side of the issue you are on. Both sides of this issue have their points yet there are always things about the issue that kept it in the forefront. The right to life is taken for granted without thinking twice, however, due to the laws of this country the freedom we take for granted can be taken away with the mistakes we made. Looking at both sides of the issue gives insight on why this remains a relevant and will continue being debated not only civilly, but also in many appeals in our court system today.
Disneyland has always been a very special place for his family and him. His parents took him there multiple times. He can still remember running up to greet and shake Mickey and Minnie Mouse’s hand, hugging Goofy with excitement, to pulling Tigger’s tail. He was so overwhelmed by meeting all my favorite characters that I had loyally watched on T.V every day. As soon as he returned from the trip, he would brag to his classmates and friends about the magical kingdom he was lucky enough to see. Now, he finds himself laughing at the fact that all those characters were normal people, like him and me, yet he was so excited to meet the stars at the time.